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Welcome to the home of Willighan Genealogy



If you are a Willighan from Ballymena, Belfast, Lancashire, North Wales or anywhere else, hopefully this site will go some way to explaining your immediate family tree. 


I can trace the surname back to areas of west County Tyrone pre-1900. But even so, within a short distance, there are records of Woolahan, Woulaghan, Willaghan and Willaughan.


From Tyrone, the name moved via one person to Cambrai Street in Belfast and then on to Ballymena, England and Wales. It's all explained in this site.


More details about the Tyrone connection and this wooden cross can be found in the Tyrone page of the menu.


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Any questions, email 

Willighan cross.jpg


Details of the Willighan family tree from West Tyrone are very sketchy, but we do have a record of its existence in Belfast from the late 1800s.


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